Kia Kaha Te Reo Māori
Kia Kaha Te Reo Māori
Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori (Māori Language Week) has been celebrated in New Zealand since 1975. It acknowledges and celebrates the Māori language as a unique cultural treasure for all New Zealanders.
Our Karakia
Ki a tātou katoa
He mihi tēnei ki a koe Kia manaaki Kia whakaohooho Kia whakamana E ako ana, ā, e tipu tahi ana tātou Mauri tau |
To us all
This is an acknowledgement to you To be caring To be inspiring To be empowering Learning & Growing Together To be deliberate & relaxed |
Faith, hope and the most important thing is love. | Love, faith, peace to us all. | Love is not a new thing. Love is handed down by our ancestors. |
Books and Resources
Māori Medium have Ngā Kete Kōrero framework.
Please follow this link.
These E- books (e = electronic) can be downloaded and or read online.
You can choose to be directed in Māori or English. Look for the purple dot, top left hand corner. Some E- books come with sound.
We highly recommend the following online Māori dictionary also to check the meaning of any unknown words that are in Māori or English.