
Nico the Ninja
Nico loves saving energy and natural resources and wants to share his knowledge with you! Join Nico and learn the best practices of saving energy.
Biology games for kids

Have fun learning about science with these cool biology games. Enjoy a range of interactive activities that will help you understand the unique world of biology.

How plants grow game

How Plants Grow

Use heat and water to experiment with different growing conditions for plants. Can you help the plant grow to a healthy size?

Keeping healthy game

Keeping Healthy

How do different activities such as sleeping, sitting, walking and running affect your heart rate? Can you keep a healthy balance?

Microorganisms game


Look hard for places where you think microorganisms might be living and learn the role they play in their environment.

Plant and animal differences game

Plant & Animal Differences

Sort plants and animals into different categories and learn what makes them unique with this fun biology game.


Living Things

Learning about living things is a very important part of science. Humans like yourself are part of this group and the more you can learn about how your body works the better. There are also lots of games & activities to do with other living things such as animals & plants.

Food chains

Learn about various living things such as animals and plants, sort them into different categories and discover where they fit into the food chain.

Learn about the food chain

Learn how to keep yourself healthy by discovering how different exercises such as walking and running can affect your heart rate.

Exercise to keep yourself healthy

Micro organisms

Learn about micro organisms and why they are important to living things, spot places where you think micro organisms might be at work.

Learn about micro organisms

How plants grow

Learn about how plants grow by experimenting with different conditions. Using heat & water, see if you can make the plant grow to a healthy size.

How do plants grow?

Human body health & growth

Learn how living things grow and stay healthy. Use water, food and exercise to provide a human with what they need to stay healthy.

Learn how living things grow & stay healthy

Skeleton & bones

Learn about moving & growing by sorting and labelling the bones from skeletons of things such as an insect, fish, horse or human.

Label the bones of a skeleton

Teeth & eating

Learn what different animals eat and how it affects the size and shape of their teeth. What are some of the differences & how have they adapted over time?

How your teeth shape relates to what you eat

Plant & animal differences

Learn the differences between animals & plants, sort them into different categories and discover more about birds, mammals, insects & plants.

Plant & animal differences

Plants & animals

Learn about plants & animals as you spot them in an outdoor scene, discover more about where plants and animals live.

Discover more about plants & animals

Life cycle of a plant

Learn about life cycles by sorting the parts of a flower, discovering what each part does and how in contributes to the life cycle of a living thing.

Learn about the parts & life cycles of flowers


Physical Processes

This selection of games & activities include some of the physical processes that control our everyday lives. Find out how electricity works, how our eyes use light to see, how forces such as friction work and the physics behind how the earth sun & moon behave.

Changing electricity circuits

Learn about electricity circuits as you experiment with batteries, voltages and light bulbs. Wire them in different ways for surprising outcomes.

Learn about electricity circuits

Magnets & springs

Learn about magnets & springs as you combine the two to complete various challenges. Find out what objects magnets are attracted to and more.

Use magnets & springs to complete fun challenges

Forces in action

Learn about forces in action as you experiment how gradients, weights and resistance affect the movement of various objects.

Learn about forces in action

Sun, light & shadows

Learn about light & shadows as you experiment with different lights sources and objects. Move light to and from objects and see what happens.

Learn about the sun, light & shadows

How we see

Our eyes are truly amazing, learn how humans see as you experiment with light & mirrors. Change the angles to see which way they reflect the light.

How we use our eyes to see

Changing sounds

Learn about changing sounds as you experiment with different musical instruments. Plucking strings of different lengths results in a variety of sounds.

Experiment with different instruments

Earth, Sun and Moon

Learn about the Earth, Sun & Moon’s orbits as you experiment with different dates and times. Discover how long the earth takes to orbit the sun and more.

Earth, sun & moon orbits


Learn about friction as you experiment how the movement of vehicles responds to different surfaces and levels of resistance.

How vehicle movement responds to friction

Learn about electricity circuits as you experiment with conductors. Find out what materials conduct electricity better than others.

Experiment with circuits & conductors

Light & dark

Learn about light & dark as you experiment with different objects. Does a mirror ball give out light or does it just reflect light from another source?

Sources of light


Solids, Liquids & Gases

The matter that makes up our earth can do weird and wonderful things, find out more with these fun games & activities. Experiment with solids, liquids and gases as you learn more about material properties, melting points, rocks, soils, ice, water & steam.

Changing state of water

Learn about the changing states of water as you experiment with different temperatures. What happens when water reaches 100 degrees?

Changing state of water

Melting points

Experiment with temperature while learning about the melting points of different substances. At what point do things like chocolate & aluminium melt?

learn about melting points

Reversible & irreversible changes

Learn about reversible changes by testing what happens to substances as they change. Find out what substances dissolve in water and lots more.

Baking soda and vinegar volcano

Have fun learning about solids, liquids and gases by experimenting with different forms, using different conditions to change them from one form to another.

Turn solids, liquids & gases into other forms

Properties of materials

Learn about material properties as you experiment with a variety of objects. Discover the interesting characteristics of materials.

Experiment with the properties of materials

Keeping warm

Test the characteristics of different materials, find out why polystyrene is such a great thermal insulator and learn about heat transfer.

Keeping warm

Rocks, minerals & soils

Learn about rocks, minerals & soils as you complete a variety of experiments. Do the objects split? Do they float? Answer these questions and more.

Experiment with rocks, minerals & soils

Please note that all games are from:

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